Okay so you are here because you've never had a Brazilian Wax and want to give it a try but you've seen all those waxing videos and have heard some horror stories. Am I right? Well I'm here to tell you that its not as crazy as its made out to be. First, I understand that getting a Brazilian Wax can be a little nerve-racking. I’ve been there too with my first Brazilian Wax. My promise to you is to make you feel as comfortable as possible while giving you the best and thorough wax. Brazilian Waxing is my Specialty and have been performing them for over 6 years, the appointment time is 15 minutes. That is getting you in and out the door in 15 minutes and leaving with a thorough Brazilian Wax.


What is a Brazilian Wax?

A Brazilian Wax is hair removed from the Pubic Region. A typical Brazilian Wax is all hair removed below the Belly Button, The Bikini Area, The Labia and Inner Bottom Area. You do not have to remove all of the hair if you don't want to, you can leave a Landing Strip or Triangle on top.

What will happen during my appointment?

During your visit I will leave the room for you to remove clothing from the waist down and lie back on the Waxing Table. (I do have wipes to freshen up if necessary) I start by waxing the top and move downward. I will have you take deep breaths in and out if necessary during the wax, making sure you are okay throughout.  I specialize in Brazilian Wax, the appointment is a 15 minute appointment and will be done before you know it, promise. Once complete I will leave the room again for you to dress. It's that simple.

Should I trim my hair?

DO NOT TRIM OR SHAVE. The hair needs to be 1/4 Inch or have at least 3 weeks of hair growth from your last shave. This is honestly the hardest part of getting a Brazilian Wax (growing the hair) but I promise you it is worth it. Your hair will come back finer and thinner with each wax.

Does it hurt?

You will feel some discomfort with a Brazilian Wax. Every ones pain threshold is different and hair is being pulled from the root, so you will feel it. Your first wax is the most sensitive. Once you keep waxing every 4-6 weeks the process becomes less and less sensitive. I recommend taking 1-2 Ibuprofen for your first Brazilian Wax and limit caffeine the morning of your appointment. 

I just started my cycle, can I get waxed?

Yes you can wax during your cycle but it may be a little more sensitive. The best time to get a wax is right after your cycle.

I am getting my first wax for an event, when should I schedule?

I can definitely wax you for an event for your first wax but I do recommend getting your first wax 4-6 weeks prior to the event and then again the week of. This is just to ensure that your body does not have any adverse reactions. If you didn't prepare to wax twice before you can still get waxed and it will be okay.

What are some possible adverse reactions I might have for my first wax and how can I prevent them?

Some people can have a histamine reaction and get white bumps a day or two after their first wax. I did with mine. To help you can take a Benadryl before or after your appointment. I also recommend Hydrocortisone cream or Benadryl cream. As well as an antibiotic cream such as Polysporin or Bacitracin. 

Just relax and don't hesitate to ask me any of your questions or concerns that you may have. For additional questions about waxing please refer to the faqs page here.